Tag Archives: Coroner Story

Coroner Story: Alone

I often seek solitude, but it’s always temporary. I lived very isolated for a couple years and I got a clear sense what it was doing to my psyche. So, I jumped back into the world. But I still tend … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Never End

The Never-ending Story See if you can tell where this begins.  Or if it ends.  I’m finally telling it because a young man asked me for a good story at the dinner table the other night.  To end a wonderful … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Road

She was found by the road. And so, I was called. It can be foggy after a rain in the spring. The wheat loves the rain that rolls in from the ocean two hundred miles west. We get good rain … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Black Heelocopters

Sometimes how you get the call is an important part of the story. Sometimes, it’s who calls you, sometimes it why they thought you needed to be called, sometimes it why you weren’t called. All these little nuances to being … Continue reading

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Coroner Story—-Thanksgiving

This call came on a Thanksgiving holiday weekend. It might have been Friday or Saturday, probably a Friday, I think. My sister and her husband were visiting. So, it was a long time ago. She died as I turned 40, … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Alpha and Omega

                        Alpha and Omega I stood between the woman’s legs. She bore her strength down against The rotund dome of the gravid belly. The nurse looked in from the hall door. “Can you take a call?  ER on line four.” … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Old Men

It was pretty odd to get a convenient coroner call.  But this one came right at the end of my day in the clinic.  Sheriff’s dispatch called at 4PM requesting me to go out to a home just west of … Continue reading

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Getting Started

First Days I hadn’t really wanted to be the coroner. I was appointed to my first service when the elected coroner left town. Then, maybe there was some intent behind this circumstance, since I have found that life can be … Continue reading

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