Category Archives: Idaho Politics


Blanche took Dennis to the doctor’s office for his sports physical. She had mixed feelings about him playing football. She knew he really wanted to join the other guys in the effort. It is a little school, and they need … Continue reading

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It seems Republicans everywhere want to have work requirements for people who receive Medicaid health insurance. Our governor has said he’s on board, as has the interim director of the Department of Health and Welfare. The legislature has long argued … Continue reading

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I always tried to help my patients. That didn’t mean always giving them what they wanted. I was trained to look to the goal of health. And then there is the law. It seems the doctor patient relationship is in … Continue reading

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Our neighborhood has been terrorized by a motorcycle rider for the last couple months. He has a Honda crotch rocket with a modified exhaust I can hear a mile and a half off. I know you guys with the Trump … Continue reading

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Everybody Knows

When a majority can pass a law that says broad and powerful things, then ignore those noble sentiments, everybody knows the deck is stacked. That’s how it goes. Everybody knows. Our Idaho legislature has done such. I ask you to … Continue reading

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It was always a question for me when the House would have the guts to actually kill the Medicaid budget. Every year it would sneak though by 5-10 votes. This year, they actually killed it. Lead by their wise Speaker, … Continue reading

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The Idaho Herd

Despite the behavior of most Idaho legislators, not wearing masks, umbrage about social distancing, it seems many Idahoans have taken COVID seriously. Folks are getting immunized. So far, about 22% of the state’s population, 372K people have received an immunization. … Continue reading

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Rationing Health Care

Earlier this month, as the curve of Covid cases climbed nationally, but specifically, here in Idaho, hospital officials warned of the possibility of rationing health care. Some hospitals have closed their ICUs and diverted patients, and had significant trouble finding … Continue reading

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Labor, Law and Order

Labor Day has become a holiday for recreation, not a celebration of organized labor. Such a transformation is appropriate, since the workers now shoot up entertainment, diversion and consumption: it’s the new “opiate of the masses”. After all, who got … Continue reading

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Religious Shield

If you haven’t kept up with this tragedy in South East Idaho, I’m sorry to have to relate this tale. You could Google it for yourself. Lori Vallow and her new husband, Chad Daybell have been arrested.  They are in … Continue reading

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