Category Archives: Health Care


Blanche took Dennis to the doctor’s office for his sports physical. She had mixed feelings about him playing football. She knew he really wanted to join the other guys in the effort. It is a little school, and they need … Continue reading

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It seems Republicans everywhere want to have work requirements for people who receive Medicaid health insurance. Our governor has said he’s on board, as has the interim director of the Department of Health and Welfare. The legislature has long argued … Continue reading

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I always tried to help my patients. That didn’t mean always giving them what they wanted. I was trained to look to the goal of health. And then there is the law. It seems the doctor patient relationship is in … Continue reading

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Everybody Knows

When a majority can pass a law that says broad and powerful things, then ignore those noble sentiments, everybody knows the deck is stacked. That’s how it goes. Everybody knows. Our Idaho legislature has done such. I ask you to … Continue reading

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The Idaho Herd

Despite the behavior of most Idaho legislators, not wearing masks, umbrage about social distancing, it seems many Idahoans have taken COVID seriously. Folks are getting immunized. So far, about 22% of the state’s population, 372K people have received an immunization. … Continue reading

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Rationing Health Care

Earlier this month, as the curve of Covid cases climbed nationally, but specifically, here in Idaho, hospital officials warned of the possibility of rationing health care. Some hospitals have closed their ICUs and diverted patients, and had significant trouble finding … Continue reading

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I was mostly tired in medical school, not inspired. But I remember one small part of just one of hundreds of lectures and it has stuck with me to this day. It was the mid 1980’s and Medicare had instituted … Continue reading

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Defund Health Care

The chant “Defund Police” is bouncing off the walls of the buildings next to many demonstrations. They are protesting an unjust, cruel death of a nonviolent black man under the crushing knee of a white cop, while three other uniformed … Continue reading

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Health Care Slowdown

Isn’t it ironic that one of the largest economic sectors contributing to the Covid-19 recession is health care? Almost half of the massive first quarter US GDP drop comes from losses in health care spending. Just when the “best health … Continue reading

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Counting Deaths

I have written before about the value of knowing the cause of death to a community. Obituaries used to be reported in the newspaper, not paid personal notes as they are now. The cause of death was usually included in … Continue reading

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