Author Archives: ddxdx

About ddxdx

A Family physician, former county coroner and former Idaho State Senator


I know many conservatives don’t want to consider that the government we endow with our, the people’s power, have any obligation to those who give this power. We’re talking entitlements here. I don’t like thinking anybody is entitled to anything. … Continue reading

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I got these publications as a State Senator and read them avidly. “Facts, Figures and Trends” published by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Now, on the Board of Health and Welfare, I get them again. You could read … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Lessons

I don’t learn well about myself.  Do you? Memorization.  Lists of things, formulas, I find I can commit lots of these things to memory if I can give them some meaning, some relationship to my life.  But my own mistakes … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: July 4th

For some reason I passed up the family invitation to the fireworks.  I usually love fireworks, but my hip was real sore, and I didn’t want the pain of sitting on a grassy hill despite the pleasure of explosions and … Continue reading

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Idaho Mother’s Day

Idaho laws are clear about being a mother in this state. So, on this Mother’s Day, let us be clear how we celebrate you. It is simple. We love you and cherish you. That is not in the laws, but … Continue reading

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I have made a few mistakes in my life. God willing, I will live a few years to make more. When we make a mistake, it means we did something wrong. Admitting the mistake, accepting our wrong behavior, choice, maybe … Continue reading

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Blanche took Dennis to the doctor’s office for his sports physical. She had mixed feelings about him playing football. She knew he really wanted to join the other guys in the effort. It is a little school, and they need … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Cooperation

No dead bodies in this story. Though I felt like one at times. But I’m not dead yet. I got a call, a message to the clinic where I was a daily, struggling family doctor in our small town. The … Continue reading

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The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) has been in the news recently. The Biden Administration has sued Idaho over our restrictive antiabortion laws, claiming the Federal Act trumps the states restrictions. Oral arguments were heard before the … Continue reading

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Pit Toilet

My wife and I just finished a 5000-mile trip across this country in our 1985 Volkswagen Adventurewagen. We saw a lot of farm country and small towns, since we avoided most interstates. We camped in a lot of nice little … Continue reading

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