Tag Archives: Coroner Story

Coroner Story: Lessons

I don’t learn well about myself.  Do you? Memorization.  Lists of things, formulas, I find I can commit lots of these things to memory if I can give them some meaning, some relationship to my life.  But my own mistakes … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: July 4th

For some reason I passed up the family invitation to the fireworks.  I usually love fireworks, but my hip was real sore, and I didn’t want the pain of sitting on a grassy hill despite the pleasure of explosions and … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Cooperation

No dead bodies in this story. Though I felt like one at times. But I’m not dead yet. I got a call, a message to the clinic where I was a daily, struggling family doctor in our small town. The … Continue reading

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Coroner Story:Visqueen

This call came in the late fall. Darkness would come soon. So, I set out before finishing my dinner with the girls. Martha would care for them. Light will fade. The sheriff’s dispatch lady said there was a dead body … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: The Scene

It’s not that I have anything against mobile homes. Folks gotta have a place to live. But I’ve had some bad experiences in mobile home parks as the county coroner. Is it the nearness to poverty? Is it the thin … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Disability

Earl is trying to talk me into seeing this as an accident. “See, he could have pulled the shotgun this way by the muzzle across the seat. With the truck canted over on the slope like that it would be … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Another Gun

This call came right after dinner. Martha would wrangle the little girls to bed, I could go do the coroner business and keep being a doctor in the morning. I was chipper. I didn’t have to go far. It was … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: A Gun

I was starting one of my usual working days, seeing patients as a family physician.  I got a call from the sheriff’s office early in the morning.  I was interrupted from seeing a physical to come out and talk to … Continue reading

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Coroner Poem#7

Apartments full of sleeping students Draped with white sheets of snow Over the old apple orchard knoll Where he shot himself some years ago. He sat on an old apple tree stump. Facing south, there was no sun only cloud. … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Not made for TV

This is one that I’m sure would’ve had a different ending if it was on a TV show.  Not enough drama in the truth.  They gotta give you a wrapped up bad guy, led away with someone, some detective giving … Continue reading

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