Author Archives: ddxdx

About ddxdx

A Family physician, former county coroner and former Idaho State Senator

Medical School

I attended a town hall meeting with two of my elected legislative representatives a while back. Only two of the three who represent me were in attendance. The absent was my State Senator, Dan Foreman. He beat me in 2016 … Continue reading

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Who Pays?

I can understand that the Idaho Republican Party and our Attorney General Raul Labrador like their closed Republican primary election. I just wish they didn’t expect all of us Idaho taxpayers to pay for this “good old boys” clubhouse they … Continue reading

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When I’m feeling old, I try to consider that I am mature. That means I have aged, not become decrepit. Maybe wisdom comes with maturity. Perspective is everything. Idaho needs some maturity. We have aged as a state, and recently … Continue reading

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Coroner Story:Visqueen

This call came in the late fall. Darkness would come soon. So, I set out before finishing my dinner with the girls. Martha would care for them. Light will fade. The sheriff’s dispatch lady said there was a dead body … Continue reading

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It seems Republicans everywhere want to have work requirements for people who receive Medicaid health insurance. Our governor has said he’s on board, as has the interim director of the Department of Health and Welfare. The legislature has long argued … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: The Scene

It’s not that I have anything against mobile homes. Folks gotta have a place to live. But I’ve had some bad experiences in mobile home parks as the county coroner. Is it the nearness to poverty? Is it the thin … Continue reading

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It had to come to this. Abortion is just one facet of the procreation die (singular for dice). Infertility is another. And for many, mostly women, procreation does become a dicey endeavor. So now, with a righteous Alabama Supreme Court … Continue reading

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I always tried to help my patients. That didn’t mean always giving them what they wanted. I was trained to look to the goal of health. And then there is the law. It seems the doctor patient relationship is in … Continue reading

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Coroner Story: Disability

Earl is trying to talk me into seeing this as an accident. “See, he could have pulled the shotgun this way by the muzzle across the seat. With the truck canted over on the slope like that it would be … Continue reading

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The Idaho Republican Party is doing its best to keep all immigrants out. And I don’t mean the Border Wall, Shelby Park border fight. I mean you and me. Well, maybe not me. You see, I am a registered Idaho … Continue reading

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