Tag Archives: Idaho Politics


It seems Republicans everywhere want to have work requirements for people who receive Medicaid health insurance. Our governor has said he’s on board, as has the interim director of the Department of Health and Welfare. The legislature has long argued … Continue reading

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It had to come to this. Abortion is just one facet of the procreation die (singular for dice). Infertility is another. And for many, mostly women, procreation does become a dicey endeavor. So now, with a righteous Alabama Supreme Court … Continue reading

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I always tried to help my patients. That didn’t mean always giving them what they wanted. I was trained to look to the goal of health. And then there is the law. It seems the doctor patient relationship is in … Continue reading

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The Idaho Republican Party is doing its best to keep all immigrants out. And I don’t mean the Border Wall, Shelby Park border fight. I mean you and me. Well, maybe not me. You see, I am a registered Idaho … Continue reading

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Nobody roused a crowd talking about numbers. Images stir us. Just look at TikTok. But the numbers tell the truth. Maybe we just don’t want to know the truth. The brouhaha about how Idaho’s budget committee (Joint Finance and Appropriations … Continue reading

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Dale found this service both meaningful and convenient. The militia had discussed the southern border problem for weeks but had finally come to this compromise. The whole militia could have loaded up and gone down to Texas where they would … Continue reading

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Are we, or are they? Maybe they just think we are. Megan Blanksma is no idiot. But her posture of protecting us from government intrusion makes me think she might think us so. Shame on her. She wants to change … Continue reading

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The Idaho legislature has its seasons. Old hands know this, and young bucks and does have figured it out too. You, the interested public should also know it. I don’t communicate this like I’m a wise old sage. Many are … Continue reading

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I had this conversation with my wife yesterday about Idaho’s abortion laws. I have told this before, but she said I needed to say it again. She didn’t remember. Maybe you don’t either. The Idaho antiabortion statutes are so confusing, … Continue reading

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Shoot the Messenger

Last year I spoke too soon.  I applauded Representative Blanksma for making some recommendations to her body. This year I’m offering raspberries. She recommended expanded coverage for kids in the CHIP program, as well as a recommendation to expand Medicaid … Continue reading

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