Category Archives: Health Care

Now What?

It’s been over eight years since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law with NO republican votes. Since, we have had many political campaigns propped up on “Repeal!”, then “Repeal and Replace!” and now we have the decision of a … Continue reading

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Suicide in Idaho

A man I knew well and considered a friend killed himself this last week. The feelings that wash over us survivors might mirror the feelings of the victim: anger, sadness, despair, failure. I will admit to all those. I imagine … Continue reading

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My Ex is getting Married

It was front page news in my town that a family practice clinic was being purchased by the local hospital. Before I reflect on this, you need to know I was once a partner in the clinic but left over … Continue reading

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Humbly Thankful

The turkey and dressing leftovers may be gone but the time for thankfulness is not over. It’s a blessed day in Idaho when the sun sets westward and we draw comfort that it will rise again. Such blessings are symbolized … Continue reading

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Rip off the Band-aid

  I hear the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare wants to wait until January 2020 to start enrolling people in the newly expanded Medicaid eligibility passed under Proposition 2 this last election. I’m sorry, but this is a pressing … Continue reading

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Owning our Health

The campaign to expand Medicaid health insurance eligibility in Idaho brought some broad health policy questions to the forefront. I am thankful we are having these discussions now; we have put this off for a long time. One of the … Continue reading

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Rural Health Values

Some are arguing that rural Idaho hospitals need Medicaid Expansion to survive. I’m arguing we will need more than a simple yes vote on Proposition 2 on the November ballot. That’s just an important first step. For American healthcare to … Continue reading

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I watched Brad Little and Paulette Jordan debate on a Boise TV channel. You could catch it online. It was clear to me Brad knows healthcare issues, but I’m detecting some bad symptoms in his approach. It’s a big issue, … Continue reading

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We all know generalizations can be wrong, but we keep doing them, don’t we? I’m just going to address one today. I keep hearing the refrain that bleeding-heart liberals always expect the government to do things for them. Let me … Continue reading

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Don’t be Cruel

I forgive ignorance. I tolerate stupidity. I cannot abide cruelty. If you believe government programs foster or promote or have created slothful citizens, please, look in your heart and figure out where this sort of belief comes from. It is … Continue reading

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