Category Archives: Health Care

Health Care Limbo

Congress makes policy changes nowadays in mammoth budget bills. I guess they chat about who gets what over bourbon or martinis, then lump it all together in a thousand pages and trillions of dollars. Health care policy took a left … Continue reading

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Surprise Medical Bills

The ambulance has brought you to the closest emergency room after you collapsed eating your cheeseburger. The EMTs got your heart going again but your sweat soaks through your Seahawks sweatshirt and it feels like there is a chain binder … Continue reading

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When Will Healthcare Cost too Much?

Most healthy people think about their health insurance about as much as they do their retirement; not much. It’s hard to value something that you don’t use regularly. But a recent survey showed that the total cost for an employed … Continue reading

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Another Waiver

We have tipped past the equinox so we are officially in fall season. But the passel of work the Idaho Legislature dropped on the Department of Health and Welfare this last legislative session is churning out another waiver request. So, … Continue reading

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OK, Now What’s it Cost?

In a noble effort, Idaho Representative John Vander Woude is bravely standing up to the bully majority voting public and protecting his fellow aggrieved minority legislators. He has vowed to fight the will of the “uninformed” voters. “We don’t always … Continue reading

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Sideboards, Springboards, or Spanking Boards?

I understand the Idaho legislature has twisted shorts with the Medicaid Expansion initiative approved by 61% of Idahoans. They sat on their hands for six years and did nothing. They might have nodded quietly three years ago that those in … Continue reading

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Pain and Suffering

Idaho can’t say we’re winning the war against accidental opioid deaths, but we’re fighting a good fight. As you can see, the numbers are climbing. If you want a very in depth and excellent analysis of the situation, read this … Continue reading

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The Idaho Way?

Brad Little has made many statements about how we need to do Medicaid Expansion “The Idaho Way”. The first time I heard it I smiled. The second time I smirked. The third time, I rolled my eyes. C’mon Brad, just … Continue reading

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Loyalty: Medical This Time

I really do value loyalty, despite the things I say about it both last week and this. It’s just that I think we need loyalty to values or ideals, not people or groups. I hate taxes as much as the … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas Idaho

Ever get a present that made you really happy? Ever get one that disappointed? Well, the Idaho legislature got a present from the voters November 6th they didn’t really like: Proposition 2, Medicaid expansion. This citizen initiative passed in 29 … Continue reading

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