Category Archives: Policy


I watched Brad Little and Paulette Jordan debate on a Boise TV channel. You could catch it online. It was clear to me Brad knows healthcare issues, but I’m detecting some bad symptoms in his approach. It’s a big issue, … Continue reading

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With the recent forced resignation of a Fish and Game Commissioner, it’s worth looking at the appointment power the governor has here in Idaho. The Idaho Senate confirms many gubernatorial appointments as required by law. Some appointments and the boards … Continue reading

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How Do We Choose?

  Idahoans have chosen Butch Otter to be governor for the last twelve years, despite not thinking too highly of him. A recent poll showed he had a “net approval” of +12 while the state had a “Republican partisan lean” … Continue reading

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We all know generalizations can be wrong, but we keep doing them, don’t we? I’m just going to address one today. I keep hearing the refrain that bleeding-heart liberals always expect the government to do things for them. Let me … Continue reading

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Don’t be Cruel

I forgive ignorance. I tolerate stupidity. I cannot abide cruelty. If you believe government programs foster or promote or have created slothful citizens, please, look in your heart and figure out where this sort of belief comes from. It is … Continue reading

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Home Maintenance

  When a place feels like home it’s a treasure. But all homes need maintenance. I was born in a city but moved to a small town when I was very young. As I grew the town’s population exploded. When … Continue reading

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Fix School Facility Funding

  Idaho currently has two ways of supporting public school facility funding. Charter schools receive a fixed amount per year based on their enrollment and what districts raise in bond elections. The state has allowed districts to run bond elections … Continue reading

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Can’t Count What You Don’t See

There are uncounted benefits for Medicaid Expansion. When I served on the Governor’s first workgroup that studied and recommended Medicaid Expansion for the State of Idaho, I sat on the panel next to a former director of the Idaho Department … Continue reading

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Open Letter to Brad Little

Dear Brad, I hear you say that you favor doing “something” for Idahoans in “The Gap”. These folks make less money than people who can go on the Idaho health insurance exchange (Your Health Idaho, YHI) so they can’t afford … Continue reading

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Sign the Petition

When the Idaho House chose to not vote on Governor Otter’s “Dual Waiver” plan last week I was not surprised, nor were most Idaho voters. We have come to expect such inaction, such cowardice, such laziness from our elected officials. … Continue reading

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