November 2010

I thought the campaign flashed by in the last month or two, but I now need to look at my calendar to remember all the things I did in November after the election as a new State Senator. I remember an early morning call on November 3rd from Bob Geddes, President Pro Tem of the Senate, welcoming me in a very warm fashion. He was gracious and helpful.
I then made travel plans for the following week to attend the North Idaho Legislature tour, sponsored by the Chambers of Commerce of the Northern Counties. Our state has great differences in geography and distance, economies and culture. This is a biannual event to help familiarize legislators from around the state with the Panhandle. We heard from the colleges and university, many businesses, communities and tribes. I participated in a bus tour of the Silver Valley, still a source of wealth for our state, as environmental remediation continues.
We got a short talk from Lieutenant Governor Brad Little about the problems of our state’s highways. And then a brief talk from Governor Otter about the fortitude we will need to face these difficult times.
I met with constituents (the Charter School, and Farm Bureau) and worked to arrange housing for the session.

About ddxdx

A Family physician, former county coroner and former Idaho State Senator
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